Sunday, April 6, 2014

CANstruction: Weekly Article Review


“CANstrution” is a great artistic charity organization that is held annually in over 150 cities around the world. On March 26 -30 2014 in Medowood Mall in Reno there was an exhibition and all the food will go to feed the hungry in our area and to the food bank of northern Nevada.
             They host competitions from K through 12th grade, Universities, and Corporations like Disney and John Deer to create structures out of canned foods that are displayed as an art exhibition. There are designers and engineer that collaborate to do these “CANstructions” and they go to great creative extents to make the cans of food mach or relate to what there making. Like for instance, a giant seahorse out of cans of tuna.  All structures are made almost entirely out of cans of food.
After all of the exhibitions are over, all of the can foods are donated to food banks thru out local hunger relief organizations. This origination have raised over 21 million pounds of food since 1992
             I belief that this is a great article about a great organization that is hosted in a public space to bring awareness about hunger to the public through art, and how to be creative with things that you have in your kitchen, or at home that is inexpensive and that can use to help someone that is in more need than you or I.


  1. This appears to be a very creative event that helps people in many ways. It must be an incredibly fun project for the artists that put these cans together (I especially love the seahorse). It's a wonderful way to feed hungry people and it seems very intelligent that you have to pay $1/vote and that the money helps support the cause too! I actually think that the fact that Flor used this as her article just shows how civic minded she is... she always seems to be thinking of others. I'm just a little dissapointed that the exhibition was in Reno LAST weekend ~ I would have loved to have known about it before hand and seen it for myself... next year!

  2. I think that this is a really creative idea and brings something of a fresh perspective to charity. This event uses art to actually better the lives of the people the charity is supporting, but also gets people within the community more interested and involved. I have worked at many food banks and the people that come to eat or get thanksgiving dinner for their family, are so thankful for everything. By doing these sculpptures its not only raising awareness, but allowing everyone to contribute. This shows us that you do not have to go take time out of your day and volunteer, just appreciate the work and donate to help.

  3. I think that this is a great example of interactive art, on a completely new level in terms of what this class has been focusing on. I think the more abstract forms were more intriguing because I enjoy work that makes me question it's purpose, though most of the public, especially in a setting such as a mall, would not feel the need to find deeper meaning in the work other than recognizing it for what it is. This program brings to my attention that food is a significant conversation starter, and this is an awesome bridge for those in our community who do not find viewing art to be interesting or important.

  4. This project is awesome, and is something that SNC should definitely participate in next year. As a community event, the CANstruction project brings public awareness to both art and charity. This is the perfect event for attracting a wide spectrum of demographics. The fact that there are different levels to compete at furthers the ability for all members of a community to participate and not just spectate. On the other hand this article/ event made me realize that our local grocery stores are really boring. Raley's towering pyramids of liquor (while they do make me thirsty) could never stand up against a CANstructed sculpture of a sea-monster!

  5. I feel that this event was hosted in the perfect location. Having the CANstruction project in a mall involves the sides of our culture that would not normally see the influence that art can have on their surroundings. A prime example of art that makes you think, and it is in terms that can be understood by everyone. It is amazing how seeing, is so closely related to believing, and the hunger of people in our nation needs to be known by every one. CANstruction is not only an example of social critic within art, but also social assistance.
