Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Artist's Role in Society - Due Sunday, March 30

This week, please choose 1 artist whose work exemplifies his/her social role.

Explain his/her role in society, why you find it meaningful, and how that role is demonstrated in his/her work. Your text should be around 100-150 words and you must include a photo.  

1 comment:

  1. Faces of the Doomed by Artist Mark Barone (Sorry picture isn't coming up or transferring onto my blog)

    Mark Barone of Louisville, Kentucky hopes to spread awareness about the no-kill shelter alternative using the sad faces of euthanized dogs. Barone was inspired to do the project after learning that 5,500 dogs are put to sleep in the U.S. every day; A number that shocked Mark Barone enough to start doing something about it. By putting a face to the statistic, Barone hopes to spread awareness of the plight of homeless animals in the U.S. He paints 10 portraits per day and is 3,500 paintings into the project he hopes to make into a museum. Barone has dubbed the project An Act of Dog and hopes to partner with a philanthropist or city to install the giant work as a permanent display to help raise funds toward turning more shelters into no-kill shelters. In my opinion Mark Barone uses his paintings and visual expressions as a vehicle for social change. His portraits are heavily meaningful to me because I am a dog lover who sympathizes with the horrible fact that so many shelter dogs are euthanized daily. Each beautifully realistic painted face of these shelter dogs visually pulls on my heart strings as a viewer, strengthening my efforts towards turning more shelters into no-kill shelters. He is a perfect example of an artist who uses his work as a vehicle for social awareness and change.
